CSNE network building is presently focused on Assessing Integrated Solutions to New England’s Changing Climate.
There are many climate- and energy- related networks already at work across New England: Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), New England Governors' Conference, Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM), New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC), Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP), New England Clean Energy Council, New England Municipal Sustainability Network, and the Northeast Regional Ocean Council.
What is missing, however, is a broad regional network with a common vision and agenda focused on integrated solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the impacts of our changing climate. The goal of CSNE is to increase the collective impact of organizations, networks, and practitioners by establishing the conditions and processes that have been shown to increase effectiveness and collaboration across institutional and organizational boundaries.
A recent article in Stanford Social Innovation Review identifies five key factors as critical to increasing collective impact: 1) common agenda across organizations; 2) shared measurement systems; 3) mutually reinforcing activities that create synergy rather than redundancy; 4) continuous communication across and within organizations; and 5) backbone support organizations that can plan, manage, and support the initiative. Using this framework as a guide, CSNE seeks to facilitate the development of a regional network that will advance integrated solutions to climate change.